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We are King of Herrings Art Printing and we print posters

Poster printing - Large format photo prints - Fine art prints - Large format stickers - Posters for pavement signs

King of Herrings Art Printing is based in Leeuwarden (EU Capital of Culture in 2018!) in Friesland (no.3 on the Lonely Planet Best in Europe list), the Netherlands where we have a small shop that can deliver large prints. At King of Herrings we like art and we like to hang it on the wall. We like colourful prints, black and white prints, art by renowned artists and artworks from those lesser known, the old classics, modern art, ethnic, traditional and outsider art. Our collection consists of our favourite pieces from all of the above (and more!) plus art reproductions of the work of local artists in Friesland with which we like to work together, promoting their work in our physical and online shop.

Apart from posters and photos in all formats up to 90cm wide, we can also print life size stickers and posters for your pavement signs which are sun and water resistant (also up to A0 format).

Our printers use 12 different colours ink and turn out prints with beautifully vibrant colours which, printed on our special fine art paper, will keep their colour for a lifetime and not turn yellow. Our beautifully framed giclée prints are a great alternative to a canvas or painting and a very special gift to receive.


Art posters and photos outside the norm

Are you looking for something different, for something that falls outside the norm? Would you like to personalise a photo or artwork for a special person, a door sticker of a photo or a wall sticker of a sunny landscape in a dark corner of your garden? Or are you simply looking for an original poster on the wall? We are happy to help you in our shop.

We are always on a search to expand our collection of artworks and are looking especially for those pieces that you don’t see every day.

In our webshop we offer a limited number of standard sizes for each artwork, but we can make prints in every format (up to 90cm wide).

Contact us per email: info@kingofherrings.nl or call us on +31 (0)58 75 100 20 to let us know your special request or if you would like our advise.

Have your photos and posters printed in Leeuwarden

You can order your posters and photos on the King of Herrings website or you can send us an email with your own image attached. But we also have a shop in the centre of Leeuwarden where you can simply walk in and admire our framed art on the walls. We will print your files on request while you wait and see your own print roll of the press.
You can find us at the Wortelhaven 83, 8911 GL Leeuwarden

Large format poster & photo printing in leeuwarden