High Quality Prints & Fast Shipping

Poster Prints


Poster printing onto high quality paper. Satin or high gloss photographic paper, archival fine art paper or standard coated paper.

At King of Herrings we can print your images onto a variety of high quality paper. You can either order a poster from our extensive range online or if you have your own image that you want printed then upload/email the image to us or come to our shop on the Wortelhaven in Leeuwarden.

posters printen
unieke poster afdrukken


King of Herrings Art Printing offer an affordable high quality poster printing service.
We print high quality posters onto different types of paper & only use the best machines available in order to produce the best quality poster prints.
For artists and photographers or anybody who is interested in the feel of the paper and longevity of the print we offer an even higher quality of paper with our Giclee Printing.


At King of Herrings we understand that not all images will fit perfectly into the standard ratios and that you will need a custom sized print. 
This is not a problem at all for us just let us know the size requirements and we will do the rest.
poster printen op maat

Poster printing prices

If you require any other size from those listed then please contact us for pricing.

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